preface المقدمة
Preface: Great people are gone forever when they die unless somebody write stories about them. Memories have a unique power – they serve a great way to immortalize those we love. Keeping someone alive in our hearts only requires space in our memories. Sometimes, memories can make you feel pain… or joy. But we choose to remember things that give us pleasure. They’re one of the only things that grow bigger as we love them more. Some people leave beautiful memories behind to comfort those they love. May Allah forgive them and bestow them His Mercy. It is with these noble intentions that a few of us from the third generation of the family of Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik recalled and collect information from bits and pieces to put together stories that represent the life stories as close as possible to the real event, sometimes having to make a guess of the reasons behind certain events. These dedicated writers were: : Yusoff Othman Fatani, Kamil Mahmoud Fatani, Fuad Kamil Fatani, Ibrahim Mahmoud Fatani.