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( 1769 - 1847)
Sheikh Daoud Ibn AbdullAh ibn Idris (known as Tok Wan Darshid or Sheikh Wan Sinei Al-Fatani) Ibn Abu Bakr (Faqih Ali) traces his lineage back to (Sultan Abdul Hamid ShAh, son of Sultan Muzaffar Wali AllAh) and his mother is Fatima, daughter of Wan Salameh, daughter of Tok Banda Wan So meets her lineage with Sheikh Abdullah in Al-Faqih Ali. Daoud Ibn Abdullah Ibn Idris (better known as Tok Wan Darshid or Sheikh Wan Sinek Al-Fatani) Ibn Abu Bakr (Faqih Ali).
sheikh Daoud was born in the village of Barit Singai, near Kresek, in the Pattani state of southern Thailand. he was born in the year 1183 AH corresponding to the year 1769 AD. And Sheikh Daoud Al-Fatani grew up in the village of Kursik in the Kingdom of Pattani in southern Thailand. He received his basic education from both his father, Sheikh Abdullah, and his grandfather, Sheikh Idris, and they were among the top scholars in Kresik in the Wilayat of Pattani, southern Thailand. You also learned in the various schools in Kursik in the Wilayat of Pattani, and they were called “Pondok” (the huts of Islamic sciences) in the Wilayat of Patani, including Pondok Kuala PekAh, Bendok Kersik, Bendok Samlah, Pondok PuAh Pok. Sheikh Abd al-RAhman Boh Bok and some scholars came from Yemen (Hadhramaut), Turkey and Syria were teaching there.
at the age of seventeen years of age, In the year 1200 AH, this coincided with the Siamese attack on Patani in November 1786 AD, 1200 Ah. Duong in the state of Terengganu, Malaysia, Sheikh Daoud moved to the city of Aceh in Indonesia to receive knowledge at the hands of the jurist scholar Muhammad Zain bin al-Faqih Jalal al-Din al-Ashi, one of the senior researchers during the reign of Sultan Alaeddin MAhmud ShAh for two years, where he graduated to become a scholar in jurisprudence.
In the year 1202 AH, Sheikh Dawood emigrate to Makkah in pursuit of knowledge, and to to continue his Sharia science studies, where he joined a group of Fatani scholars who were receiving Sharia science (jurisprudence and monotheism (in the Great Masjed Alharam of Makkah, including Ali bin Ishaq Fatani and Sheikh Muhammad Saleh bin Abdul Rahman Fatani. While he was in Makkah, Sheikh Dawood founded the Malay Community Association (for Southeast Asian students). Sheikh Dawood studied with the scholar Issa bin Ahmed Al-Barawi and a group of science students from the Malay Archipelago, Patani and Malaysia, including Sheikh Abdul Samad Felimban, Muhammad Arshad Banjar, Abdul Rahman Al-Batawi, and Muhammad Nafis. and Abdelwahab Bouges. Sheikh Daoud was called the young teacher. He settled in Makkah for about 30 years to study and traveled to seek knowledge between Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah for five years.
His struggle: During his stay in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, he visited Patani three times, which were as follows:
1- Through his visit to the palace of Sultan Simbas in Clementine, Indonesia, he took him
Passing to the homes of his family in Patani, and that was in the year 1247Ah.
His coming to Patani accompanied by some of the Mujahideen for Jihad in the way of Allah to defend his country Patani from Siamese attacks, and that was between the years 1246 Ah - 1247 Ah.
(3) His return to visit his family in Terengganu in year 1261Ah
His knowledge: He received the science of hadith and its chains of transmission at the hands of Sheikh Issa Al-Barawi and some prominent scholars, such as Abdullah Al-Basri, Alaa Al-Din Al-Babi, Zakaria Al-Ansari and Shams Al-Din Ramli, and he learned the science of Sufism at the hands of Sheikh Muhammad Saleh bin Abdul Rahman Fatani. He studied fegih (a comparison of schools of thought).
Although he did not go to Egypt, Sheikh Daoud was able to learn from some of the Egyptian scholars of Al-Azhar, such as the famous scholar (Al-Sharqawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar) when he came to Makkah and he was known in the field of hadith, Sharia and Sufism, and he also studied al at the hands of Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Shanwani, the successor of Sheikh Al-Sharqawi Sheikh Al-Azhar. Apart from these teachers, Sheikh Daoud has affiliated with and learned from other great scholars including Muhammad Asaad, Ahmad Al Marzouqi, and Ibrahim al-Rais al-Zamzami al-Makki. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Asaad and Ahmed Al-Marzouki
Sheikh Daoud did not hesitate to openly explore the various religious schools, including Shafi'i Fegeh and Altariqah al-Shaziliah.
A summary of Sheikh Daoud's books:
Muhammad Al-Sawy (620:2005) mentioned that Sheikh Dawood wrote books in various fields that included most branches of Islamic sciences, including jurisprudence, jurisprudence in general, worship, monotheism, divinity, the daily life of a Muslim, the duty of a Muslim to his fellow Muslims and non-Muslims, teaching prayer. Business, obligations in marriage and divorce.
Sheikh Daoud Fatani was one of the most famous authors who flooded libraries with books on the Shafi'i school of thought in the Malay Archipelago. His stature in the field of writing has been recognized by scholars in the Malay world. According to Vorhoeve, Sheikh Daoud Fatani is the most famous scholar of Fatani as well as the most productive in the region due to the many books he composed (Vorhoff, 1965). Among his most well-known works are: The Purpose of the Student, Al-Bahja Al-Sunniah, Moniyat Al-Musali, Its Branches, Hidayat Al-Mutalim, and Umdat Al-Moallem. The printing of these current books continues to the times.
A careful reading of Sheikh Dawood's books:
Sheikh Daoud is considered one of the most famous scholars of Al-Fataniah and a prolific author. He has authored many books in various Islamic sciences (Vorhoeve, 1965: 154-155). His first work was in Makkah in the year 1224 AH, while the last book he wrote was in 1258 AH (Matheson and Hawker, 1988: 28) (5).
By listing a group of books authored by Sheikh Daoud and authorized to print or contributed to its printing. From content analysis, Sheikh Daoud has made a significant contribution to the field of writing. The field of writing was focused on jurisprudence (fiqh) which accounted for 30% (16 books). This was followed by work of faith, i.e. 23% (23 books), Sufism with 21% (11 books), ethics 12% (7 books), worship 11% (6 books), and literature % (5 books) and history 6% (3 books). From the analysis that was conducted, it indicates that Sheikh Dawood contributed in writing and publishing the Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh).
Among his most famous works are listed works in the following fields:
Sheikh Daoud bin Idris books
1. Sufficient for the Needy (27 Muharram 1224 AH).
2. Clarification of the door (9 Rabi' al-Awwal 1224 AH).
3. The goal of approximation (5 Safar 1226 AH).
4. The Way of the Desires (1226 AH).
5 . Bulgh al-Maram (Rabee' al-Awwal 1227 AH).
6. Ghayat Al-Maram (5 Dhul Qi’dah 1229).
7. Al-Durr Al-Thameen (17 Shawwal 1232 AH).
8. Uncovering the cloud (20 Rabi' al-Awwal 1238 AH).
9. Collecting the benefits (Jumad Al-Awwal 27, 1239 AH).
10. Treasure of Mann (23 Rabi' al-Thani, 1240 A.H.).
11. Minhaj al-Abidin (15 Jumad al-Thani 1240 AH).
12. Moniyat Al-Musali (15 Dhul-Hijjah 1242 AH).
13. Guidance of the Learner (12 Majad Al-Thani 1244 A.H.).
His teachers and colleagues:
. Sheikh Hassan bin Ishaq, (Twan Hussein Baswa).
. Sheikh Wan Musa, Kota Bharu Kelantan. Malaysia.
. Sheikh Zainuddin, Aceh, Indonesia.
. Sheikh Ismail bin Abdullah, Mankabua.
. Sheikh Muhammad Zain al-Din bin Muhammad Badawi, Sambawa.
. Sheikh Ahmed Khatib bin Abdul Ghaffar, Simpas.
. Sheikh Wan Abdullah bin Muhammad Amin (Follow Diog, Terengganu.
. Haji Abdul Samad bin Faqih Haj Abdullah, Foley Janda, Kelantan .
. Haj Jamal al-Din bin Lubbi Muhammad, Frigah, Kelanten.
. Sultan Muhammad Safi al-Din, Shukri Simbas.
. Sheikh Atallah
. His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Zain bin Faqih Jalal Al-Din Al-Ashi.
. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Samani Al-Madani.
. Mr. Suleiman bin Yahya bin Omar Maqbool Al Ahdal.
There are many teachers who have not been mentioned yet. The probability is that they were the last teachers in a later era. Just as there were many scholars who were taught by Sheikh Dawood in Makkah Al Mukarramah, but there are some scholars in other areas, including Sheikh Abdul Rahman Boh Bok in the village of Kersik in the state Patani, and in Medina also scholars such as Sheikh Abdul Samad Felimban, Sheikh Muhammad Arshad Banjar. And Sheikh Mohammed Madani Yassin bin Issa Faden. And as Sheikh Daoud Al-Fatani Al-Azhar studied in explaining the introduction to Al-Ajurumiya by Sayyid Suleiman bin Yahya bin Omar bin Maqbool Al-Ahdal, brother of Sayyid Abdul Rahman bin Yahya Al-Ahdal.
his death: Sheikh Dawood Fatani passed away at the age of eighty-two years, which he spent in science, teaching, writing, publishing books and calling to God. There are many opinions about the date of his death. Ismael mentioned something Daoud in his writings that Sheikh Dawood died, may God have mercy on him, in the year 1263 AH / 1847 AD. Saif Allah Muhammad Al-Sawy also said that the date of his death was 1265 AH / 1847 AD, and he was buried next to the tomb of Abdullah bin Abbas, may God be pleased with him, in Taif.
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